• 发布时间:2023-06-26 12:02:58,加入时间:2012年01月08日(距今4639天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»奉贤:上海市奉贤区
  • 公司:上海红河实业有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李丽,手机:15201989388 微信:lily15201989388 QQ:646364167
  • 报价:70000/台


As one of the most innovative oven companies in the world, FIRENACE has maintained its creativity and Canadian heritage for more than 10 years. Our main advantage over time has been our passion for innovation and the search for potential markets. We are a big family, including our employees, distributors, suppliers, our common goal is to seek the best quality. Our Canadian-made designs are the result of ongoing research and our R& D Department has been motivated over the years to provide our customers with the best technical performance. Each of our products is unique, creative, professional and Canadian technology innovation combined to meet customer needs, using our products is an impressive experience


The FIRENACE elevating charcoal oven is equipped with a unique one-handed operation of the handwheel lifting device, can raise and lower the grill surface temperature of professional oven. Equipped with interchangeable cooking grills, and according to the choice of cooking dishes to replace the different grills. According to the kitchen and the use of different frequency, FIRENAC lift type charcoal oven design has a single-wheel, two-wheel, forward, side-swing for the chef to choose from. The device is a stage where the chef performs for the guests, So the visual effect is unrivalled in its completion,presence and drama.


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