• 发布时间:2024-01-24 17:22:12,加入时间:2018年11月23日(距今2284天)
  • 地址:中国»四川»成都:成都市高新西区天目路77号10栋1单元619
  • 公司:成都云希化工有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李洋,手机:17380623303 微信:C17380623303 电话:028-62328193 QQ:1757988137

sh-Oligopeptide-78 is a single chain synthetic human peptide, produced by fermentation in E. coli. The starting gene is a synthesized copy of the human gene which appears in multiple Type II Keratin proteins. It contains a maximum of 123 amino acids which may contain disulfide bonds and / or glycosylation. The protein consists of the proper sequence of the 20 standard amino acids.

The functions of the cosmetic ingredient
HAIR CONDITIONING : enhancing the appearance and feel of hair. leaving the hair easy to comb, supple, soft and shiny and/or imparting volume, lightness, gloss, texture, etc.
SURFACTANT - CLEANSING : wetting body surfaces, emulsifying or solubilizing oils, and suspending soil (generally, such ingredients contribute to the foaming and lathering properties of cleansing products).



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