
  • 发布时间:2022-07-18 11:52:52,加入时间:2019年11月12日(距今1947天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»佛山:佛山市顺德区乐从细海工业区14-2号之二海恒楼1楼
  • 公司:佛山市万庆物资有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:陈振军,手机:13392272434 微信:wanqingwuzi 电话:0757-28105037 QQ:1023870619

无花镀锌板表面没有花纹,看起来不如有花镀锌亮,发暗色,和冷板差不多。  有花无花在性能上没有什么差别,主要是外观。镀锌板的有花和无花是根据镀锌板的表面状态来区分的,一般弱眼一看便知,表面有花纹的就是有花,没有的就是无花。有花和无花与材质没有任何关系。材质取决于镀锌所采用的基材,比如Q195、Q345、SPCC等等。厚度与是否有锌花也没有关系。

The galvanized plate has no pattern, looks not as bright, dark hair, and the cold plate.There is no difference in performance, mainly in the appearance.Galvanized plate flowers and no flowers are made according to the surface state of the galvanized plate to distinguish, generally weak eyes a look will know, the surface has a decorative pattern is flowers, no is no flowers.Flowers and no flowers have nothing to do with the material.The material depends on the substrate used for galvanizing, such as Q195, Q345, SPCC, etc.Thickness also has nothing to do with whether there are zinc flowers.


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