1. Continuous low-rate charging:按制造商规定的方法充电28天
接受准则:no fire, no explosion, no leakage.
2. Vibration:模拟运输时引起的振动
接受准则:no fire, no explosion, no leakage.
3. Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature:当电池在高环境温度下使用不能暴露内部组件
接受准则:No physical distortion of the battery case resulting in exposure of internal components.
4. Temperature cycling:电池交替暴露在高温和低温中不能着火或爆炸
接受准则:No fire, no explosion, no leakage.
5. Incorrect installation of a cell (nickel systems only):模拟使用时不正确的安装方式
接受准则:No fire, no explosion.