艾可慕 IC-A25N 25NE 航空手持对讲机

  • 发布时间:2024-04-19 14:21:32,加入时间:2020年01月06日(距今1876天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»盐城:东台市东台镇电子商务产业园龙光西路1号
  • 公司:江苏安航船舶设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:吕经理 ,手机:18051396571 微信:a18051396599
  • 报价:10/台

ICOM 艾可慕 IC-A25N 25NE 航空手持对讲机



NAV and COM NAV and COM channels COM channels

Frequency range

118.000–136.992 MHz

108.000–136.992 MHz

161.650–163.275 MHz

118.000–136.992 MHz

118.000–136.992 MHz

161.650–163.275 MHz

Number of memory channels 300 channels/15 groups

Channel spacing 25/8.33 kHz

Type of emission 6K00A3E, 5K60A3E, 16K0G3E (Weather)

Power supply requirement 7.2 V DC (BP-288), 11.0 V DC (External DC Jack)

Current drain (approximately)

Tx High

Rx Max. audio/Stand-by

Less than 1.8 A

Less than 500 mA/90 mA typ. (GPS, Bluetooth­, Light: OFF)

Antenna impedance 50 Ω

Operating temperature range –10°C to +60°C; 14°F to 140°F

Dimensions (W×H×D) (Projections not included) 58.9 × 148.4 × 31.8 mm; 2.3 × 5.8 × 1.3 in

Weight (approximately) 384 g, 13.6 oz (with antenna and BP-288)


Output power (at 7.2 V DC) 6.0/1.8 W typical (PEP/carrier) Audio harmonic distortion Less than 10% (at 60% modulation)

Ham and noise ratio More than 35 dB

Spurious emissions

More than 46 dB

(Except operating frequency ±62.5 kHz in 25 kHz channel spacing.) (Except operating frequency ±20.825 kHz in 8.33 kHz channel spacing.)

Frequency stability ±0.4 kHz


Intermediate frequencies 46.35 MHz/450 kHz (1st/2nd)


NAV/COM (6 dB S/N)

WX (12 dB SINAD)

Less than 0 dBμ

Less than –8 dBμ

Squelch sensitivity (at threshold) Less than 0 dBμ (AM), Less than –5 dBμ (FM)

Spurious response More than 60 dB (AM), More than 30 dB (FM)

Ham and noise More than 35 dB (at 30% modulation)

530 mW typical (AM 8 Ω/60% Mod at 10% distortion)

1200 mW typical (AM 8 Ω/60% Mod at 10% distortion)

Ext. speaker connector 3-conductor 3.5 (d) mm (1­8­)/8 Ω

Measurements made in accordance with FCC Part87.

All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation


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