RM3100转接板 测试板 PNI评估板 三轴电子

  • 发布时间:2025-02-14 00:09:39,加入时间:2020年05月15日(距今1735天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»杭州:杭州市下城区新天地街124号
  • 公司:科沃电子(杭州)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:郭生,手机:17764509575 微信:kewo1316 QQ:273587871

RM3100转接板 测试板 PNI评估板 三轴电子罗盘模块


The RM3100 Breakout Board is a low cost option that allows anyone including makers, hobbyists, and students to experiment with PNI magneto-inductive magnetometers. The RM3100BB features PNI’s industry-leading RM3100 sensor suite on a small form-factor board for easy testing and integration into prototype solutions. The Breakout Board incorporates both I2C and SPI interfaces for system design flexibility and easily connects to Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and other microcontroller boards.

RM3100转接板 测试板 PNI评估板 三轴电子


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