公园木纹护栏扶手 珠海桥梁栏杆 河道景观护栏定制

  • 发布时间:2023-04-28 15:05:43,加入时间:2018年03月01日(距今2570天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»佛山:南海区里水镇河村江边村
  • 公司:佛山晟护金属制品有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:范小龙,手机:13533974102 微信:sc15002014722 电话:020-37415910 QQ:3254823599
  • 报价:105/米

公园木纹护栏扶手 珠海桥梁栏杆 河道景观护栏定制

Zhongshan Beijing type guardrail 304 stainless steel customized Guangzhou wholesale road fence


It has been widely used in urban landscape roads and public transportation beautification projects, and has become an international trend to replace similar products.


Combined column: double column combined type: guardrail and column are directly welded.


The double columns are inserted into the base, and the steel column cap is installed on the top for fastening. It is easy to install, orderly arranged, firm and not twisted.


Isolation of people plays a role in ensuring road safety. PVC elastic cap is installed on the top of the vertical bar, which makes the design more user-friendly.

定制护栏 韶关城市道路护栏 清远交通道路隔离栏

Customized guardrail Shaoguan City road guardrail Qingyuan traffic road barrier


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