
  • 发布时间:2022-09-29 08:54:34,加入时间:2019年04月23日(距今2143天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»新乡:河南省新乡市牧野区王村镇尚湾村309号
  • 公司:新乡市力威机械设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王经理,手机:15993054331 微信:a13598709617




当咱们的绿豆芽放到豆芽震动筛筛网上面,上面豆芽在筛网上面上下跳动着往前的 出料口方便走动。这是因为绿豆芽的皮小,通过网孔就将豆芽里面的皮给震下来了。是不是轻松。但是咱们人工干几个小时那是相当费力气的。 就我们家附近有一家生产豆芽的小作坊,我们附近10公里都用他们家的豆芽,都没有请人工,老爸老妈自己和爱人,还有出门的家姐以及姐夫。说那个没有买机器淘豆芽夏天煎熬,冬天关节不好。买了机器省了不少力气

There was also a plate of delicious green pepper sprouts on our table yesterday. If the summer heat does not remove him from the fire, then these raw bean sprouts will be covered with open skins. How to filter the skin inside the sprouts quickly and easily without washing them with water­ I heard that an electrical machine at home can also filter out the skins inside the bean sprouts. Not bad speed. The small ones can filter 600 jin of sprouts, while the large ones can filter 1,000 kg of sprouts per hour. Customer feedback is manager Zhang bought your big bean sprouts sieve the skin of the mung bean sprouts, the back three people receive the bean sprouts, we don't want big, small, small scale.

Bean sprout sieve is a kind of linear sieve. In order to prevent rust from producing pollution to bean sprouts, at present we use stainless steel as long as we can contact bean sprouts, which is stainless steel linear sieve in contact with materials. ​

When our mung bean sprouts are placed on the top of the machine screen, the bean sprouts on the top of the screen jump up and down the forward outlet for easy movement. This is because the skin of the mung bean sprouts is small, and the skin inside the sprouts is shaken off through the mesh. It's not easy. But it takes a lot of labor for us to work for hours. There is a small workshop producing bean sprouts near our home. We use their bean sprouts within 10 kilometers of our home without manual labor. My parents and my wife, as well as my sister and brother-in-law who go out. Said that did not buy machinery to wash bean sprouts summer suffering, winter joints are not good. We saved a lot of effort by buying the machine



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