
  • 发布时间:2020-10-27 10:18:31,加入时间:2015年03月11日(距今3406天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室
  • 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:欧小姐,手机:15112425734 电话:0755-83598906 QQ:2631627011
U3841现货U3751频谱分析仪促销 advantest U3841现货U3751 U3751 ADVANTEST U3841 跨域分析仪 Cross Domain Analyzerimg_u3851_0001U3851The U3800 is the industry's first metrology tool to offer phase measurement of two high-frequency signals in a single instrument, allowing operators to determine the phase difference. This new functionality enables quick and accurate detection of reception problems caused by inter-circuit interference or radio wave reflection, making the U3800 ideal for applications ranging from electromagnetic interference (EMI) challenges, to broadcasting and communications.The U3800 series utilizes a new "X math" (pronounced "cross math") function for comparative analysis of input from two channels. This function displays the waveforms of both signals on a single coordinate plain, enabling operators to see the phase difference between the signals at a glance. Furthermore the U3800 series can be used as spectrum analyzer. Vector and Spectrum Signal AnalyzerComparative measurement/analysis of the signals from two channels on the basis of their time, amplitude, phase, and frequency domains by simultaneous and synchronized measurementTwo-channel RF input and wide frequency rangeU3841: 9 kHz to 3 GHzU3851: 9 kHz to 8 GHzThe best-in-class time domain analysis bandwidth of 40 MHzVector operation that allows composition/decomposition"X math" function for comparative analysisContain high performance Spectrum Analyzer function Model DescriptionOPT.20 High stability frequency reference crystalOPT.28 EMC filterOPT.76 50Ω 3GHz Tracking GeneratorOPT.77 50Ω 6GHz Tracking GeneratorJU3800S Japanese operating manual (printed manual)EU3800S English operating manual (printed manual)ZT-130NC 50/75Ω impedance converterA129003 Transit caseA122004 Rack mount kit (JIS)A124005 Rack mount kit (EIA)A899001 High pass filter (2.8GHz ~ 18GHz)A899002 High pass filter (8GHz ~ 18GHz)A899003 High pass filter (11GHz ~ 26GHz)A899004 High pass filter (18GHz ~ 30GHz)A199002 Power divider kit (8GHz/SMA)A199003 Power divider kit (40GHz/K)


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