造型多样合理的户外游乐卡丁车 带着朋友一起嗨

  • 发布时间:2020-02-27 16:35:45,加入时间:2019年06月09日(距今1851天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东济宁
  • 公司:山东金耀工程机械有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:赵,手机:15624090988 微信:jy15624090988 QQ:1156551527


Starting method of continuously variable (gearless) go kart:


Hold the steering wheel with one hand, and lift the rear bumper with the other hand about 10cm. After the wheel rotates smoothly, the hand carrying the bumper will change to the back of the seat, and continue to push forward until the engine makes a sound of "Pa, Pa".


After pushing forward for a few steps, get on the car quickly and easily. At this time, pay attention not to sit in the seat immediately. First step one foot on the seat or frame, and then step the other foot on the accelerator pedal to open the accelerator.


Starting method of the shift kart (the driver must master the technology that the shift kart stops without stalling. When stopping, first cut off the clutch and reduce to neutral):


Put the speed gear in neutral;


The left hand holds the steering wheel, the right hand holds the back of the seat, and the fast cart;


When the car is fast forward, fly to the car, step on the seat with your left foot, and step on the accelerator with your right foot;


Put the right hand into the first gear, and step on the brake with the left foot at the same time, and sit in the seat.


Sight is important


In the driving process, if you only focus on the front of the car, it's difficult to pass the lane change smoothly, and form the habit of looking straight ahead when you practice.


Before entering the lane change, keep an eye on the cut in point of the lane change. When driving out of the bend, keep an eye on the next bend and the cut in point.

造型多样价格合理的户外游乐卡丁车 带着朋友一起嗨


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