驾驶控的欢乐场 户外山地卡丁车俱乐部 带着女友嗨

  • 发布时间:2020-02-27 16:35:46,加入时间:2019年06月09日(距今1851天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东济宁
  • 公司:山东金耀工程机械有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:赵,手机:15624090988 微信:jy15624090988 QQ:1156551527


Go kart accelerator and brake:


The premise is to pass the curve at a fast speed. It is ideal to step on the accelerator for a long time instead of the brake on the fast changing curve with a large arc. However, this will often cause side slip of the rear wheel outside the exit of the curve, which will cause loss to the wheel's rotation state. In order to prevent this situation, do not step on the accelerator to the end, but step on it slowly. These words are difficult to express clearly, which requires drivers to test more in daily practice and find their own feelings, but it is impossible to never brake.


Go karts for gripping and sliding:


Grasps the ground to drive: is depends on the tire and the ground friction, along the curve radian, the stable driving.


Sliding driving: it controls the car to enter the lane change by means of braking and steering system.


Kart Overtaking:


Look for the detour that the opponent is not good at and the detour that he is good at;


Grasp the obvious mistakes of the opponent;


Take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses.


You don't have to overtake on a curve. When you start, you have a chance on a straight road. However, in all normal circumstances, the curve is always the focus of driver competition.


Go kart route selection:


The kart track is composed of several straight and high-speed curves, low-speed curves and compound curves, but each track is not only different in width and length, but also different in characteristics and combination mode of straight and curve, so the route selection is very important. The basic principles and methods of route selection are as follows:

1) 所选线路是短的;

1) The selected line is short;

2) 全程行驶速度快的线路;

2) High speed line in the whole journey;

3) 外—内—外—内的跑法;

3) Outside inside outside inside running method;

4) 线路整体要顺畅圆滑。

4) The whole line shall be smooth and smooth.

驾驶控的欢乐场 户外山地卡丁车俱乐部 带着女友嗨


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