Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺

  • 发布时间:2024-09-14 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年09月02日(距今2578天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙岗区沙平北路111号吉茂大厦608A
  • 公司:深圳为尔康科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:曾生,手机:15361860065 微信:zengxianghu1985 电话:0755-28896837 QQ:215620749

Raysafe DXR+ 直读式的指示灯光野和射线野一致性检测尺详细介绍:

Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺

RaySafe DXR+ 的传感器排列经过特殊设计以便适合实时检测拍片机、乳腺机照射野和指示光野一致性的需要。 

RaySafe DXR+ 可在低至30千伏的电压下使用,并能给出客观的,可复写的而且能立即读出的结果。

RaySafe DXR+ PCB 上可见一X射线影像的公制刻度,国际惯用规则建议照射野与指示光野一致性误差应小于SID的2%.,而乳腺机则为距检查床边缘±5毫米,传感器的特性给需要调整的地方提供了精确即时的结果。


Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺,Raysafe DXR+,Raysafe DXR+射线野检测尺,Raysafe DXR+检测尺

Raysafe DXR+ 直读式的指示灯光野和射线野检测尺,Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺

Raysafe DXR+ 直读式的指示灯光野和射线野检测尺,Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺

RaySafe DXR+

The RaySafe DXR+, a Direct X-ray Ruler, repre-sents the latest in today’s technology for alignment of the light and radiation field. (Traditionally screen film cassettes have been used for X-ray and light field alignment measurements. The digitalization of X-ray imaging makes this method obsolete as cas-settes and film processors are often unavailable.) It is the ideal solution for performing most accurate measurements for radiography and mammography.

An Easy-To-Use Instrument

The RaySafe DXR+ is an easy-to-use instrument and the ideal solution for improving digital imaging in the radiographic and mammographic field. As soon as it is exposed to X-ray the RaySafe DXR+ is automatically switched on. Features include auto reset and auto power off. There is no need to adjust the light field to a square phantom before making an exposure and no time is wasted waiting for films to be developed.

Quick Checks

International regulations recommends that the radiation and light field should be aligned within 2% of the SID or even ± 5 mm at the chest wall for mammo. The pocket-sized RaySafe DXR+ enables an objective, reproducible and immediate read-out down to 30 kVp. The RaySafe DXR+ sensor array has been specially designed to meet the needs of real-time radiographic and mammographic X-ray equipment. The sensor provides an accurate and instantaneous result it and therefore indicates where adjustment is needed. A metric scale on the RaySafe DXR+ PCB is visible on the X-ray image.

Raysafe DXR+光野检测尺


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