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  • 发布时间:2019-09-09 19:32:25,加入时间:2019年07月31日(距今1886天)
  • 地址:中国»四川»成都:金牛万达甲级写字楼
  • 公司:四川煜炜泰拍卖有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:甘经理,手机:16608056032



In order to commemorate Tang Jiyao's success in protecting the state, Yunnan Mint began to be ordered to print and cast Tang Jiyao's image to support the Republic commemorative coin, which is divided into two editions, side image and front image, with a face value of three cents and six cents. The side image of the commemorative coin is Tang Jiyao's side image on the front and Tang Jiyao's head on the top, and the two flags of the State Council on the back, with the words "to support the republic" on the top and "three cents and six cents of Kuping" on the bottom. The front image of the commemorative coin is Tang Jiyao's front, with a bead circle on the side and Jiahe symmetrical below the bead circle. Patterns, the top of the "State Council Fujun Tang", the back of the pattern is the same as the side version.

收藏价值 纪念铜币同样正面为唐继尧正面像,头像上方却为“纪念铜币”楷书,而非“军务院抚军长唐”字样;背面同为民国双旗图案,但上方是“云南省造”四字,下方是“当制钱五十文”。从首席数据库中可以查得,北京诚轩2011年春拍-钱币专场中,唐继尧像纪念铜币五十文,以157.5万人民币成交。不过,据首席收藏论坛会员提醒,该品种向来是赝品假币泛滥之地,因此收藏家在收藏时需要提高警惕。

The commemorative coin is also a positive image of Tang Jiyao, but above the head is a regular script for commemorating the coin, not the words "Tang, the governor of the State Council of the Army"; on the back is a double flag pattern of the Republic of China, but above is the four words "made in Yunnan Province", and below is "fifty pieces of money made". It can be found from the main database that in the spring photo-coin special of Beijing Chengxuan in 2011, the statue of Tang Jiyao commemorated fifty pieces of copper coins and traded forRMB. However, according to members of the Chief Collection Forum, this variety has always been a place where counterfeit money is abundant, so collectors ne


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