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  • 发布时间:2019-08-27 19:38:48,加入时间:2019年05月10日(距今1960天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州中心
  • 公司:广州广宣艺策划服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:易经理,手机:18565324760 微信:Y18502060590

据载,我国明代崇祯四年(公元 1631年)就由尼泊尔代铸过西藏银币。至清乾隆五十六年(公元1791年)首次自铸西藏银币。清同治元年,中亚之浩罕汗国军官安古柏入侵新疆,同治六年据喀什为都,并仿土耳其式铸有金、银、铜币三种,流通一时。光绪初年,左宗棠率军入疆平阿古柏叛乱后,始铸新疆光绪银钱,新疆光绪银圆上铸有汉、满、回三种文字,纪值、纪地(喀什)或纪年(回历)。至清光绪三十三年(公元1907年),新疆始铸“喀什大清银币”, 其中“湘平壹两”存世稀少;“湘平伍钱”存世较多;“湘平二钱”至今未见实物。

According to the report, in the fourth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty (ADNepalese silver coins were cast by Nepal. For the first time in the fifty-sixth year of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (ADthe Tibetan silver coin was self-cast. In the first year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Angubai, the official of the Khanhan Khanate of Central Asia, invaded Xinjiang. According to Kashgar, it was the same as the Turkish-style, with three kinds of gold, silver and copper coins. In the early years of Guangxu, Zuo Zongtang led the army into Xinjiang after the rebellion of Ping Agubo, and began to cast Xinjiang Guangxu silver money. Xinjiang Guangxu silver circle casts three kinds of characters: Han, Manchu, and Hui, Ji value, Jidi (Kashgar) or Ji (Yi ). In the thirty-third year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (ADXinjiang began to cast "Kashi Daqing Silver Coin", of which "Xiang Ping Yu two" was rare; "Xiang Ping Wu Qian" was more than alive; "Xiang Ping Er Qian" No physical objects.

大清银币喀什湘平壹两正面:不论是汉字、回文及中间之“五瓣花朵定位点”均是由“弹簧式小圈”来填补币体,该设计作用是发挥防伪之功能;其五瓣花朵定位点,中心有一小凹洞圆圈,中有一颗实心圆珠,花瓣边上均由弹簧式小圈沿着花瓣边来描绘,用弹簧式小圈防伪之设计,在大清最早之机制币光绪八年吉林机器局监造上即开始使用了,在光绪十年吉林机器局监制(大清公认最早之机制币)币上更是运用的淋漓尽致; “湘”字在左边三点水边之第一及第二笔间有一五分之四圆之留银,非常清晰;“银”字最后二笔画间留有断笔空隙;“青”下的月字是方方正正的书体,并无偏斜;在钱体下端,“湘平壹两”四字间有许多片状小麻点之留银记号;内环珠靠右方。背面:钱体上端有一花瓣圆团,共有十一朵花瓣,左下有两枚花瓣相连,三到五点钟之花瓣间有稍许留银现象; 中间为龙形,龙首上有两根大龙觭角,觭角间有一龙脑袋,上有五根龙背尖刺,龙首双眼呈椭圆形,中有小圆点为眼珠,嘴上、下唇绘为同一往下方向,在龙身转弯处左、右各有一水波纹图案;龙口下有一个圆型太阳图案,上有八光芒;龙尾有五龙尾长须,其旁有三朝下龙背尖刺。在左上龙臂,祥云图案左下方有一小空心圆珠,此亦为另一特征也。此枚钱币版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,而且存世量极为稀少,是钱币收藏世界,知名度极大的一枚,被誉为钱币精品,具有无法估量的市场价值及历史收藏价值。

The Qing Dynasty silver coin Kashi Xiangping two fronts: whether it is Chinese characters, palindromes and the middle of the "five-petal flower positioning point" are filled with "spring-style small circle" to fill the coin body, the design is to play the role of anti-counterfeiting; The five-petal flower positioning point has a small concave circle in the center, and there is a solid bead in the middle. The petals are drawn on the edge of the petal by a small spring-shaped circle. The design of the spring-type small circle anti-counterfeiting is the earliest in the Qing Dynasty. In the eight years of the Guangxu Machinery Bureau, the mechanism was started. It was used in the supervision of the Jilin Machine Bureau in the Guangxu ten years (the earliest mechanism currency of the Qing Dynasty). The word "Xiang" is on the left side of the water. There is a four-fifth round of silver in the first and second pens on the side, which is very clear; there is a gap between the last two strokes of the word "silver"; the word "green" is a square book. Body, there is no skew; at the lower end of the money body, there are many silvery marks of the flaky small punctate between the four characters of "Xiangping 壹 two"; the inner ring beads are on the right. Back: There is a petal round group at the top of the money body, there are eleven petals, two petals are connected at the lower left, and there is a slight silver stay between the petals at three to five o'clock; the dragon is in the middle, and there are two big dragons on the dragon's head. There is a dragon head between the corners of the temple. There are five dragon-backed spikes on the head. The dragon's head has an elliptical shape with a small dot in the eyeball. The upper and lower lips are drawn in the same downward direction. There is a water ripple pattern on the left and right sides; there is a round sun pattern under the dragon's mouth with eight rays on it; the dragon tail has five dragon tails, and there are three dragons on the back. In the upper left arm, there is a small hollow ball at the lower left of the Xiangyun pattern, which is another feature. This coin is elegantly designed, well-carved, and extremely rare in existence. It is a world of coins collection and has a great reputation. It is known as a fine coin, with invaluable market value and historical collection value.


In recent years, gold coins in the Qing Dynasty, silver coins in the Qing Dynasty, gold coins in the Republic of China, silver coins in the Republic of China, modern copper coins, and modern gold and silver coins have all gone out of their own different price trajectories. Some varieties have even formed independent price ladders, such as "Da Qingyin Coin Kash Xiangping. "Two" is one of the top ten honorary items in China's modern mechanism currency. The reason why the "Golden Silver Coin Kash Xiangping" is famous is due to his historical and rare nature. This rose coin layout is elegant, well-carved, and extremely rare in existence. It is a world of coin collection and has a great reputation. It is known as a coin boutique with invaluable market value and historical collection value.


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