
  • 发布时间:2019-04-17 09:32:36,加入时间:2018年05月24日(距今2229天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»奉贤:上海市奉贤区南桥镇国顺路936号5幢
  • 公司:上海赢新国际贸易有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:唐军忠,手机:18321956889 电话:021-21956889 QQ:285651653


ENGAGE™ HM 7387 Polyolefin Elastomer is an ethylene-butene copolymer that has higher molecular weight, better toughness, and higher melt strength than other commercially available polyolefin elastomers.

It can serve as an extender for SEBS, impart lower gloss in hard TPOs, provide the basis for flexible soft-touch compounds, and is well suited for extruded applications such as wire and cable. ENGAGE HM 7387 is also useful for impact modification of various thermoplastic resins.

Main Characteristics:

Pellet form

High melt strength

Improved toughness

Talc dusted (untreated, 1 µm)


Polymer modification

Extender for SEBS

Soft-touch compounds

Reduced gloss TPOs

Wire and cable

Impact modification


POE美国陶氏塑料商品化的POE 本身呈颗粒状,可以直接加入到颗粒状PP 等其它材料中实行改性。因此POE比EPDM 加工操作上更为简便,POE陶氏,这样可大大降低生产成本[6 ] 。

Da Silvi[ 7 ] 研究了PP/ POE 共混体系并与PP/ EPDM 共混体系进行了比较。结果表明,两种共混体系具有相似的结晶行为,POE陶氏8480,其力学性能相似,POE陶氏8200,但PP/ POE 共混物具有更低的转矩,加工性能较好




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