
  • 发布时间:2019-04-06 17:42:01,加入时间:2018年03月01日(距今2566天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:公司地址 :广州番禺大石东联工业C区105质检院
  • 公司:广州广分质检技术服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:熊大生,手机:13926218719 电话:020-66624679 QQ:3578433360

辐射通量(kw/m2) heat flux (kw/m2)


Heat flux(kw/m2) heat flux (kw/m2)

Amount of thermal energy emitted, transmitted or received per unit area and unit time.

熄灭时的临界辐射通量(CHF) critical heat flux at extinguishment (CHF)


critical heat flux at extinguishment (CHF)

Incident heat flux, in kw/m2, at the surface of a specimen at the point where the flame ceases to advance and may subsequently go out.

X分钟的辐射通量(HF-X) heat flux at X min (HF-X)


heat flux at X min (HF-X) 

heat flux, in kw/m2, received by the specimen at the most distant spread of flame position observed during the first X min of the test.

临界辐射通量 critical heat flux 


critical heat flux 

heat flux at which the flame extinguishes(CHF) or the heat flux after the test period of 30min(HF-30),whichever is the lower value(i.e. the flux corresponding to the futhest extent of spread of flame within 30min.)

EN IS Reaction to fire tests for flooring-Part 1: Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source. EN IS supersedes EN IS.


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