
  • 发布时间:2018-09-12 20:27:07,加入时间:2018年03月01日(距今2566天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:公司地址 :广州番禺大石东联工业C区105质检院
  • 公司:广州广分质检技术服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:熊大生,手机:13926218719 电话:020-66624679 QQ:3578433360

GB/TSingle burning item test for building materials and products

B/Tnbsp;简介nbsp;GB/T建筑材料和制品的单体燃烧试验测试原理:此标准与EN ISO 13823类似。由两个成直角的垂直翼组成的样品暴露于直角底部的主燃烧器产生的火焰中,火焰由丙烷气体燃烧产生,丙烷气体通过砂盒燃烧器并产生(30.7±20)kw的热输出。样品的燃烧性能通赤20min的试验过程来进行评估.性能参数包括:热释放、产烟量、火焰横向传播和燃烧滴落物。计算体积流速、热释放速率(HRR)和产烟率(SPR)。z89g88l5ysqwGB/TSingle burning item test for building materials and products test principle:The standard is similar with EN ISnbsp;Consists of two wings at right angles to the vertical angle formed at the bottom of the sample exposed to the main burner flame produced by the flame produced by the burning of propane gas, propane gas burner through the sand box and generateplusmn; 20) kw heat output. The combustion characteristics of the sample through the testing process 20min to Chek assessment. Performance parameters including: heat release, the amount of smoke, flame spread and burning drip lateral. Calculate the volume flow rate, heat release rate (HRR) and smoke production rate (SPR).


GB 8624: 中国建筑材料防火等级判定

GB/T 5464: 建筑材料不燃性试验方法



EN IS建材燃烧热值的测定




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