
  • 发布时间:2018-08-25 21:56:22,加入时间:2018年08月10日(距今2156天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市厚街镇沙塘村德朗智慧工场10号厂房
  • 公司:东莞市恒博装订设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:张,手机:13564396415 微信:Z13564396415 QQ:506382605

5.5 台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机润滑 Lubrications

线材须保持足够的润滑,否则表面容易刮花,请在机器放线架的润滑盒子上加注乳化水. Wire material should be keep suitable lubrication to avoid scratch problem. Please put some Castrol Syntilo for lubrications.

6.台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机机器手送料系统的调整 Adjust the feed system

The feed system of the machine is composed of the timing belt and the synchronous wheel. The position has been debugged in the right place in the factory. After a period of operation, if the tension of the belt is not enough or the position of the manipulator is deviated, the belt driven wheel can be adjusted Tighten the screws to ensure the tension of the timing belt, and then release the belt fastening block 1 to adjust the manipulator to the desired position to lock(Picture 6)。

八、可能出现的异常、故障及排除方法 Trouble shooting

8.1 台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机冲孔系统故障排除 Punching system trouble shooting

 8.1.1   故障现象:机器不动 Symptom: The machine does not move


Cause: The power supply is not turned on or the protection switch is triggered

排除方法:查看电源开关是否已经接通,保护开关有无异常, 配电箱内空气开关是否断开。

Remedy: Check whether the power switch is switched on, whether the protection switch is abnormal or not, and the air switch in the distribution box is disconnected


Abnormal phenomenon: big hair


Cause: The paper is too thick and the punch is severely worn

排除方法:正常运行纸张厚度建议在1-6mm之内;如果是冲针磨损严重请更换。Remedy: normal operation of the paper thickness is recommended within 1-6mm; if the pins wear, please replace.

8.2 台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机机器手送料系统的故障排除 The feed belt system trouble shooting

 8.2.1 故障现象:机器不动Symptom: The machine does not move

       产生原因:电源没有接通或者光电开关触发异常。Cause: The power supply is not turned on or the photoelectric switch triggers an abnormality

       排除方法:查看电源开关是否已经接通,光电开关有无异常。Remedy: Check whether the power switch is turned on, the photoelectric switch is abnormal.

 8.2.2  异常现象:机械手抓取和送料位置不对             Abnormal phenomenon: the robot grab and feeding position is wrong

 产生原因:皮带拉长松弛或者是皮带固定块1不牢靠。        Cause: 


郑州市  南阳市  新乡市  安阳市  洛阳市  信阳市  平顶山市  周口市  商丘市  开封市  焦作市  驻马店市  濮阳市  三门峡市  漯河市  许昌市  鹤壁市  济源市台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机


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