
  • 发布时间:2024-03-31 17:49:51,加入时间:2017年01月11日(距今2851天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»漳州:龙文区香榭花都
  • 公司:漳州市鑫富润商贸有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:张先生,手机:13799820453 微信:zhangxiaolei089 电话:0596-6265557
力图H系列H32/H46/H68/H100/H150 产品简介 美孚力图(Nuto H)系列是高品质抗磨液压油,用于要求使用抗磨润滑油的工业和移动服务应用。它们是采用高品质基础油和精选添加剂系统配制而成,具有许多理想的特性,可延长设备寿命。美孚力图(Nuto H) 系列油品是为在中等至严重苛刻操作条件下工作的系统所使用的许多液压元件提供良好润滑性能而设计的。它们的高氧化和化学稳定性有利于控制积垢的形成和降低呆滞系统运行和阀门卡住的可能性。油品及过滤器寿命长,能提供较佳的设备保护,减少维护和使用过的产品处置费用。它们在高湿度操作环境或具有不可避免的潮湿的环境中具有优良的抗锈蚀和腐蚀性能。美孚力图(Nuto H) 系列油品可迅速将水分离,而且空气释放性好。这些产品能满足广泛的液压系统和 元件的原设备制造商 (OEM)对润滑油性能的要求。 The Nuto H series is a high-quality anti-wear hydraulic oil used for industrial and mobile service applications that require the use of anti-wear lubricants. They are made of high-quality base oils and selective additive systems, which have many ideal characteristics and can prolong the equipment life. The Nuto H series of oil products are designed to provide good lubrication performance for many hydraulic components used by systems operating under moderate to severe harsh operating conditions. Their high oxidation and chemical stability are conducive to controlling the formation of accumulated scale and reducing the possibility of sluggish system operation and valve jam. Oil products and filters have a long life, can provide better equipment protection, reduce the maintenance and used product disposal costs. They operate in high humidity environments or have no


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