空调移机 拆装加氟 空调维修
║ │用│需│4│ │拆│3│和│溫│︵│2│。│保│于│該│進│1│準│、│=│空│加│ ║
║ │由│租│、│ │機│、│加│套│加│、│ │=│空│機│行│、│ │加│;│調│氟│專║
║ │客│用│如│ │,│單│氟│、│長│空│ │;│調│免│試│空│ │延│‘│移│、│業║
║ │戶│其│在│ │按│移│ │信│管│調│ │‘│移│費│機│調│ │長│空│機│安│空║
║ │承│它│空│ │上│內│ │號│包│移│ │2│機│保│檢│移│ │管│調│=│裝│調║
║ │擔│輔│調│ │述│機│ │線│括│機│ │=│所│修│測│機│ │,│維│;│、│維║
║ │ │助│移│ │費│、│ │和│電│、│ │;│造│三│,│前│ │加│修│‘│保│修║
║ │ │設│機│ │用│外│ │排│源│加│ │‘│成│個│移│需│ │氟│空│拆│養│、║
║ │ │備│過│ │減│機│ │水│線│延│ │個│的│月│機│對│ │收│調│裝│、│移║
║ │ │,│程│ │半│或│ │管│、│長│ │月│問│︵│後│空│ │費│移│加│回│機║
║ │ │費│中│ │。│只│ │︶│保│管│ │︶│題│屬│對│調│ │標│機│氟│收│、║
Professional air conditioning maintenance, transfer, fluoridation, installation, maintenance, recycling
The air conditioning machine moves = = "disassemble and install fluorine ="; "air conditioning maintenance air-conditioning shift machine, add extension pipe, fluorine charging standard."
1, before the air conditioning machine needs to test the air conditioning test machine, after the transfer of the machine to the machine free warranty for three months (belongs to the problem caused by air conditioning machine = "2=; 'month"). It
2, the air conditioning machine, plus extension tube (extension pipe including power cord, insulation sleeve, signal line and drain pipe) and add fluorine.
3, single shift, internal or external dismantling machine will be halved according to the above cost. It
4. If other auxiliary equipments are to be hired in the process of air conditioning, the cost will be borne by the customer.