ABB断路器;GSH204 AC-C10 0.03

  • 发布时间:2020-07-10 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年04月01日(距今2740天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市莞城区元岭路国汇大厦320
  • 公司:东莞市恒轩机电有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨小琪,手机:18811829384 微信:yuqi20175 电话:0769-33215706 QQ:443297710

ABB 剩余电流动作断路器;GSH204 AC-C10/0.03


Structural characteristics


Application category


Selective and limiting circuit breakers

选择型 (非限流型) 断路器被归为 B 类 (根据 IEC标准),明确 Icw 值对于断路器在短路事故时的延时脱扣非常重要。

The selective (non limiting) circuit breaker is classified as the B class (according to the IEC standard), and it is very important to clear the Icw value for the delay release of the circuit breaker in a short circuit accident.

限流型断路器 E2L 及 E3L 被归为 A 类,短时电流 Icw 对此类断路器则变得不很重要,因为限流型断路器的动作原理是将短路

Limited flow circuit breakers E2L and E3L are classified as a. Short time current Icw is not very important for such circuit breakers, because the action principle of the current limiting circuit breaker is to short circuit the short circuit.

电流变小,但归为 A 类并非表示它没有选择性的能力,在可承受的额定短时耐受电流 (Icw) 内亦具有选择性 (例:电流型或时

The current is smaller, but it is classified as a class that does not have the ability to be selective. It is also selective in the bearable short-time tolerance current (Icw) (example: current type or time).

间-电流型) 。

Inter - current type.


The special advantages of current limiting circuit breakers are summarized as follows:

- 可大幅度的降低预期故障电流的峰值

It can greatly reduce the peak value of expected fault current.

- 可极大地限制故障允通能量,请参考 3/16 页的曲线

It can greatly limit the energy of fault. Please refer to the curve of 3/16 page.

- 降低电动应力

- reducing electric stress

- 降低热应力

- reducing thermal stress

- 减少电缆及母排的尺寸规格

To reduce dimensions of cables and bus

- 可与其它串联断路器协调,具有后备保护或选择性保护功能

It can be coordinated with other series circuit breakers, with backup protection or selective protection function.


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