ABB双电源DPT250-CB011 R1253P

  • 发布时间:2020-07-10 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年04月01日(距今2654天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市莞城区元岭路国汇大厦320
  • 公司:东莞市恒轩机电有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨小琪,手机:18811829384 微信:yuqi20175 电话:0769-33215706 QQ:443297710

ABB DPT-CB011双电源自动转换开关;DPT250-CB011 R125 3P

ABB DPT-CB011双电源自动转换开关;DPT250-CB011 R125 3P

ABB DPT-CB011 dual power automatic conversion switch; DPT250-CB011 R125 3P


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The purpose of selecting an automatic switch with dual power supply is that the production equipment is very important and needs to be run without interruption. In order to prevent a power supply failure, a power supply is supplied (from different power supply systems and power transformers). When the main power fails, the automatic switch will automatically switch to the standby power supply and continue to work. If the power supply is restored to the main power supply, the conversion device will automatically return to the main power supply.


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