
  • 发布时间:2024-03-18 00:00:00,加入时间:2012年07月17日(距今4368天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:塘厦镇莲湖丽骏豪庭二期
  • 公司:东莞市捷鑫仪器有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:陈卫平,手机:13549336060 微信:chen13549336060 电话:0769-82134961 QQ:742002535

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DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, 

DPO3052, DPO3054, MSO3012, MSO3014,

MSO3032, MSO3034, MSO3054

《回收DPO3014》With the MSO/DPO3000 mixed signal oscilloscope series, you 《回收DPO3014》can analyze up to 20 analog and digital signals with a single 《回收DPO3014》instrument to quickly find and diagnose problems in complex 《回收DPO3014》designs. Bandwidths up to 500 MHz and a minimum of 5x 《回收DPO3014》oversampling on all channels ensure you have the performance 《回收DPO3014》you need for many of today's mainstream applications. To 《回收DPO3014》capture long windows of signal activity while maintaining 《回收DPO3014》fine timing resolution, the MSO/DPO3000 offers a deep record 《回收DPO3014》length of 5 M points standard on all channels.

《回收DPO3014》Key performance specifications

《回收DPO3014》500, 300, 100 MHz bandwidth models

《回收DPO3014》Bandwidth is upgradable (up to 500 MHz)

《回收DPO3014》2 and 4 analog channel models

《回收DPO3014》2.5 GS/s sample rate on all channels

《回收DPO3014》5 mega-point record length on all channels

《回收DPO3014》>50,000 wfm/s maximum waveform capture rate

《回收DPO3014》Suite of advanced triggers

《回收DPO3014》Key features

《回收DPO3014》Wave Inspector­ Controls provide easy navigation and 《回收DPO3014》automated search of waveform data

《回收DPO3014》29 automated measurements, and FFT analysis for simplified 《回收DPO3014》waveform analysis

《回收DPO3014》16 digital channels (MSO series)

《回收DPO3014》Mixed signal design and analysis (MSO series)



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