
  • 发布时间:2019-04-26 15:08:46,加入时间:2015年03月11日(距今3406天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区东环一路天汇大厦D栋6楼D-615室
  • 公司:深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:欧小姐,手机:15112425734 电话:0755-83598906 QQ:2631627011
The R&S ZVA8 from Rohde and Schwarz is a high end VNA with up to 4 sources for sophisticated measurements up to 8 GHz. The frequency range can be extended up to 500 GHz. It has a dynamic range of 110 dB to 140 dB, a measurement speed of less than 2 us per point, a sampling time of 430 ns per point and a power of 15 dBm. The R&S ZVA8 is ideal for commercial, military and aerospace applications. It has N type-female connectors. The R&S ZVA8 from Rohde and Schwarz is a high end VNA with up to 4 sources for sophisticated measurements up to 8 GHz. The frequency range can be extended up to 500 GHz. It has a dynamic range of 110 dB to 140 dB, a measurement speed of less than 2 us per point, a sampling time of 430 ns per point and a power of 15 dBm. The R&S ZVA8 is ideal for commercial, military and aerospace applications. It has N type-female connectors. 联系人:小欧: QQ:


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