德州豆腐干机视频 豆腐干机全自动 熏豆腐干机器

  • 发布时间:2019-07-26 00:00:00,加入时间:2016年08月18日(距今3110天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东市济宁市曲阜市书院街道工业园双赢路
  • 公司:曲阜鑫丰商贸有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:陈诺,手机:15689770347 微信:chennuo274 电话:0537-4926688 QQ:3189425853

Bean curd machine generally divided into small bean curd machine, fully automatic machine of bean curd, bean curd production line to wait for a few kinds, different products to produce bean curd influence is big, so also in the process of bean curd machine shall not be sloppy. Today we'll talk a lei feng automatic bean curd factory production of small bean curd machine, automatic bean curd machine product features and characteristics.电话: 联系人;陈娜


1. 自动磨浆.供应的小型豆干机,全自动豆干机自动磨浆,实现浆渣分离,而豆浆则流入备用的不锈钢盛浆桶内.

2. 自动抽浆. 小型豆干机,全自动豆干机无须人工上浆,只要轻轻一按开关,就能实现全自动抽浆,大大的节省了人工,提高了生产效率.

3. 自动煮浆. 小型豆干机,全自动豆干机煮浆过程实现全自动化,且不需看管,只要在煮浆前设置好温度,就能轻松煮浆,且时间快,

4. 自动成型. 小型豆干机,全自动豆干机配有不锈钢豆干压机,一般在10分钟左右就能成型.


The factory has been awarded the consumer integrity unit for five consecutive years, the Chinese credit enterprise, the contract heavy credit enterprise and the advanced enterprise unit! The best bean curd machine, dried tofu machine, bean curd machine, large tofu production line and other tofu machines are in the company of xinfeng small bean factory 电话: 联系人:陈娜


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