
  • 发布时间:2017-12-14 00:00:00,加入时间:2017年02月08日(距今2796天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»东莞:东莞市塘厦镇水电三局
  • 公司:东莞市塘厦诚达康仪器仪表经营部, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:胡芳斌,手机:15118104252 微信:e0tk5dtydx4q22 电话:0769-82614946 QQ:2570089384

诚信  高效   专业   安全 ,诚信值得信赖  全国各地回收进口仪器仪表



专业回收/销售:红外热像仪,示波器,示波器探头,信号发生器,信号/频谱分析仪,网络分析仪,综合测试仪,数字源表 ,台式万用表,


                       数据采集仪,光谱分析仪,功率计,电源,电子负载,色彩分析仪 等等进口仪器仪表。(福禄克/是德/安捷伦/泰克/横河/安立/吉时利/艾法斯/美能达/








WT300E's wide range of functions and enhanced specifications, allows handling of all the measurement applications from low frequency to high frequency inverters using a single power meter.

Accuracy with fast display and update rate: 
The WT300E series with the fast display update rate of 100ms, offer’s engineers a short tact time in their testing procedures. The basic accuracy for all input ranges is 0.1% rdg + 0.05% rng (50/60Hz) and DC 0.1% rdg + 0.2% rng.

Simultaneous Measurement:

U/I/P/Freq/Integ(+/-)/Harmonics components/ THD with max. 100ms cycle.

In addition to standard power measurements, the WT300E series measures all DC and AC parameters. Additionally, the WT300E series can measure harmonics and perform integration simultaneously without changing the measurement mode. The accompanying WTViewerFreePlus software can monitor and save the 200 parameters used. 

Auto ranging function available in selected ranges.

The auto-range function is used to select or change the ranges automatically, within specified ranges. This results in shorter range changing times, allowing more efficient testing.


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