菏泽千张机器多少钱一台 千张机制造厂家 豆制品千张

  • 发布时间:2019-07-25 00:00:00,加入时间:2016年08月18日(距今3110天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东市济宁市曲阜市书院街道工业园双赢路
  • 公司:曲阜鑫丰商贸有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:陈诺,手机:15689770347 微信:chennuo274 电话:0537-4926688 QQ:3189425853

Xin feng makers offer automatic single machine, a high degree of automation, automatic production line, the ruffian, squeezing, peeling automatic operation, with stirring spilt brain, send folding, pressing cloth, flow operation functions such as automatic press, automatic peeling and unique brain scraper, it can realize its thickness adjustment at any time, to adapt to different areas of consumer demand. The key components are made of stainless steel and are in full compliance with hygienic standards. Production by the thousand, bao hou uniform thickness adjustable (0.2 3 mm) toughness, good folding it by hand and not bad and good taste, regardless of cold side dishes, Fried soup, stewed dishes are delicious, keep the skin texture and flavor quality of tradition.电话/: 联系人:陈娜








1、DP-1型 DP-2型 为老式机器,手动压皮,单层布,主机占地面积大,不能做超薄千张皮,而且产品厚薄不均匀,价格在五千左右,已不推广

2、DP-3型 DP-4型 DP-5型 是新型机器,复式折叠,获,占地面积小,易操作,自动化程度高,均有不锈钢包装,时产量在150斤左右




(A)、 一机多用:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械可同时生产豆浆、豆花、各式豆腐等多种豆制品,可以与其他设备和工艺配套生产更多的豆制品。

(B) 洁净卫生:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械符合食品卫生标准的全不锈钢生产设备,整洁光滑易清洗。


(D) 现做现卖:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械可现场制做,现场销售,无积压,无库存,消费者可亲眼目睹从黄豆到豆浆的全部生产过程,真正喝上放心豆浆。

(E) 多样选择:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械已有多种型号可供各类加盟者选择。

(F) 品质卓越:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械使用优质不锈钢材制成,设备寿命可延长至十年之久,消除了设备质量风险。

(G) 价格合理:全自动千张机器、千张机、小型千张机械设备质量与国外同类产品不相上下,价格却是国外同类机型的四分。



The reason for the low yield of the common type thousand machines:

Ordinary thousand machines need to get old, which can directly affect the yield and affect the taste and the ability to cook. Secondly, high yield and skin machine begin when pour the soybean curd into ladle stirring, and mix bean brain into brain OARS to 2 minutes, bean brain meet air mixing process, solid protein began to doubt, a mass exodus of the water in the brain, brain is mixed with water, formed a mixture, actuate the valve flow on the cloth, mixture (proteins), mixing time and the mixture, the greater the loss is bigger, the yield is lower, this is the root cause of low yield。电话/: 联系人:陈娜


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