For nearly three decades, Asiamoney has been the voice of the banking and capital markets industries in Asia. During that time, our publication has been instrumental in covering the stunning developments in finance in the most exciting region in the world.
As Asia’s banks and the markets they operate in reach new levels of sophistication and maturity - often outstripping and overtaking more established financial markets globally — it is time for Asiamoney to follow suit by moving on to the next level.
To that end, we have made some fundamental changes to Asiamoney - how it covers Asia’s banks and its markets, and alongside that how Asiamoney is run.
When it was launched in 1989, the aim of Asiamoney was to bring to Asia the kind of in-depth, authoritative and differentiated coverage that Euromoney brought to global finance.
In recent years, we have developed Euromoney’s worldwide coverage to focus on the banks and investment banks that are the principal players in global finance, as well as the people who run them. Our changes are designed to once again align Asiamoney closely to Euromoney, and bring the same standards of editorial quality and sought-after accreditation to the Asia-Pacific region.
Our commitment to you is that when we write about your country’s banking sector or capital markets, or when we analyse and report on key themes in the region, we will do so in greater depth and with better understanding than any of our competitors.
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