
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3420天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418


专业从事窗塑钢门;‘;铝合金门窗;‘;不锈钢;‘;彩钢房;‘;阳光房;‘;玻璃房;‘;钛金门;‘;感应门;‘;无框门;‘;旋转门 设计;‘;制作;‘;安装;‘;销售,兼店面拆除装潢为一体的服务。
本店本着诚信做生意,同样的质量比价钱,同样的价钱比质量,我们不挣黑心钱,不 偷工减料,凭自己的手艺挣工钱,我们有着多年的门窗装修经验,对每个顾客都是尽心尽力的做的较好欢迎广大新老顾客致电。 -二手房装修 1;‘;二手房施工的难度和注意事项:二手房的装修比新房的装修难度大。 2;‘;改变格局的设计 3;‘;厨卫;‘;防水;‘;反味的处理。 4;‘;老墙;‘;顶面的处理。 5;‘;墙体的抗压;‘;抗震的加固处理。 6;‘;上下水;‘;管道的疏通和改造处理。


一;‘; 油工类:铲墙皮=;=刮腻子=;=刷涂料=;=家具=;=门窗=;=翻新刷油漆=;=暖气片喷漆=;=二手房墙面粉刷与维修
二;‘; 木工类:打隔断=;=吊顶造型=;=包窗套;‘;门套=;=大衣柜;‘;电视机柜制作=;=办公桌椅=;=玻璃隔断
三;‘; 水电类:水路改造=;=电路改造=;=网线;‘;电话线布置=;=灯具安装=;=五金件安装
四;‘; 瓦工类:黏贴墙皮;‘;地砖=;=包管道=;=砌墙=;=防水工程=;=卫生间改建
五;‘; 厨房;‘;卫生间的局部装修,大小活都接Specialized in plastic steel doors; windows; doors and windows' Aluminum Alloy ';'; stainless steel;; color room; "sunshine";; real; real; glass; "Golden Gate"; titanium; induction door;; "frameless doors;" revolving door "; design;; production;; installation; sales;" "the store, and demolition decoration for services.

This shop in good faith to do business, the same quality than price, the same price than quality, we do not earn dirty money, do not cut corners, with their own craft earn wages, we have many years of experience to decorate doors and windows, each customer is dedicated to do better welcome new and old customers call. - second-hand housing renovation "; 1; difficulty and precautions of second-hand housing construction: second-hand housing decoration decoration houses are difficult. 2; `; change the design of the pattern; 3; '; kitchen and toilet;'; waterproof; '; anti odor treatment. 4; `; old wall; '; top handle. 5; `; wall compression; '; seismic reinforcement. 6. ` go up and down the water; '; dredge and reform of the pipeline.

We adhere to the quality of survival, to the credibility of development for the purpose, has to undertake the office buildings, villas; ';'; apartment; decoration engineering, residential design is simple; ';'; appearance; quick processing;; "strong waterproof;" excellent insulation.

A; "; oil industry: shovel = = = =; putty; paint brush = = = =; furniture; doors and windows renovation brush paint = = =; =; = = second-hand housing radiator paint; wall painting and maintenance

Two; "; wood: partition = = = =; ceiling molding; package; window; '= = wardrobe door;;'; TV cabinet production = = = =; office furniture; glass partition

Three.; hydropower class: Waterway reconstruction = = = circuit modification = = = net line; telephone line arrangement = = = luminaire installation = = hardware installation

Four; "bricklayer: adhesive plaster;;; '= = = package tiles; pipeline; wall = = = = =; waterproofing; bathroom renovation

Five; `; kitchen; `; bathroom parts decoration, size, living are connected

This project is free of charge. The project budget is free. First payment after construction, formal decoration signed



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