
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3420天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418

專業承接: 社會團體;==公司;==工廠;==學校;==酒樓;==賓館‌‌;==醫院等事業單位,空調加雪種;==清洗;==安裝維護,各種電器的維修;==年保等業務。 工業冷氣設備(如冷幹機’抽濕機;冷水機;中央熱水器;太陽能空氣能熱水器)中央空調等家用(工業用)電器冷氣維修;經驗豐富;==技術過硬。

維修項目:專業空調維修。中央空調維修( 加雪種 清洗。保養)冰箱;==冰櫃;==洗衣機;==熱水器;==煤氣爐;==抽油煙機;==彩電;==液晶電視;==等離子電視;==顯示器;==音響。


一 ;==1.空調維修,加氟,拆卸,安裝,移機,清洗,保養





各類空調的安裝;==維修;==移機;==保養;冷庫的設計安裝 ;==冰櫃,冰箱,制冰機,洗衣機;==大型煙道清洗及相關制冷設備的綜合維修。


提供客戶咨詢服務:為顧客解決有關技術咨詢,不需要上門的電話指導,客戶能夠自行解決便可自行解決,主要是為客戶提供方便Professional undertaking: social groups; = = = = = =; = = factory; school; restaurant; hotel with friendly friendly = = = =; hospitals and other institutions, air conditioning and snow; = = = = cleaning; installation and maintenance, maintenance of various electrical appliances; insurance business = year. Industrial air conditioning equipment (such as cold and dry machine "dehumidifier; water chiller; central water heater; solar air heater) central air-conditioning and other household appliances maintenance (industrial); experience; = excellent technology.

Maintenance project: professional air conditioning maintenance. Central air-conditioning maintenance (plus snow cleaning). Refrigerator freezer maintenance); = = = = = =; washing machine; water heater; gas stove = = = = =; hood; TV; LCD TV = = = = = =; plasma TV; display; stereo = =.

Tengda electrical maintenance management department is specialized in government;

A ==1.; air conditioning repair, fluoridation, disassembly, installation, removal, cleaning, maintenance

2., refrigerator repair, add snow species

3. washing machine maintenance, cleaning

4. water heater repair, cleaning

= = two; central air-conditioning engineering design and installation of air conditioning units; = perennial maintenance;

Various types of air conditioning installation; maintenance = = = = =; machines; maintenance; installation of cold storage design; = freezer, refrigerator, ice machine, washing machine; comprehensive maintenance and cleaning the flue = large refrigeration equipment.

Convenient service: high network coverage, can quickly help you (home service).

Provide customer advisory services: for customers t


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