
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3420天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418


固定篷,天幕,廣告折疊篷,側立傘,售貨篷,高;中;低檔歐式遮陽傘;=;=;加工定做市場彩色大篷,各種防水苫布及帆布制品施工帳篷,促銷帳篷,展覽帳篷,廣告帳篷,太陽傘,野營帳篷,生産,訂制,印刷LG ,的專業公司,春天來臨,面對雨季來臨,我們公司為廣大新來客戶來人庫存料大量的各種,高中低檔防水布,有戶外遮陽蓬布,有貨運物流用遮蓋貨物的篷布,有大中型企業用苫布,南韓布,帆布,PVC布,牛津布,帳篷布,彩條布,單色防水布,塗層防水布,等等,我們還可以加工訂做各種規格,苫布,篷布,機器罩子,空調罩子等等

卷簾門:車房門;通花卷閘門;拉閘門;防盜門;防火門;車庫門;玻璃門;鋁合金透明卷閘門;手動電動電動遙控任意型卷閘門;感應玻璃門,廠家根據用戶情況可量身訂做;=;=; Tent; folding tent; event tents and supplies awnings; =; =; =; =; Pavilion; cotton tents, construction of tents, tents

Fixed awning, canopy, advertising folding awning, celi umbrella, a canopy, high;; low European sunshade; =; =; market order processing color tents, tarpaulins and canvas products construction of various promotional exhibition tents, tents, tents, advertising tents, umbrellas, camping tent, production, custom LG, printing, professional firms, the spring is coming, in the face of the rainy season, our company for the majority of new customers to stock a large variety of materials, high grade waterproof cloth, outdoor awning cloth, a freight logistics of goods covered by tarpaulin, tarpaulin with large and medium-sized enterprises in South Korea, cloth, canvas, PVC cloth, Oxford cloth, tent cloth, color cloth, color coating waterproof cloth, waterproof cloth, and so on, we can process all kinds of custom-made, tarpaulin, tarpaulin, machine cover, air conditioning and so on.

Shutter door: garage door; rolling grilles; pull gate; security doors; fire doors; garage doors; glass doors; Aluminum Alloy transparent shutter; manual electric remote control type arbitrary gate; sensing glass door, manufacturers can be customized according to user situation; =; =;­


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