
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3420天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418


1、观察里面的空调机的冷冻机油有没有渗漏=;‘如果有可以被解释漏氟。2、棉布沾肥皂水被检到位=;‘等待几=;‘如果有肥皂泡进而出现漏氟。3、电子检漏仪探头在几秒钟的主题=;‘如果有声音就是漏氟。4、如果空调的冷凝器和蒸发器在系统内可能有泄漏的情况下=;‘检测到的填充压力材料渗透水=;‘直到气泡的水面平静后=;‘看是否有必须证明漏氟。5、如果上述方法不能确定是否有可能漏氟=;‘那么就可以使用该方法的真空测试=;‘该系统完全撤离=;‘大约一个后用压力表检查压力似乎没有上升。如果是漏氟=;‘可以判断。常见的判断方法有以下三种: 1、耳听法: 压缩机自震的声音比新购时大=;‘有可能是漏氟。 2、手摸法: 用手摸摸空调器后面的散热片=;‘若手感温度不高或无热度=;‘而压缩机仍在工作=;‘则说明已经跑氟。 3、表测法: 找一只温度计=;‘将其冷风出口=;‘看表温指示是否比室温低6℃~8℃=;‘若少于5℃=;‘则证明是跑氟了。. Observe the leakage of the refrigerant oil in the air conditioner = = "if yes, the leakage of fluorine can be explained.". 2. Cotton stained soapy water is found in place = = wait a few =; if there is a lather, then there is leakage of fluorine. 3, electronic leak detector probe in a few seconds subject = 'if there is a sound, that is, leakage of fluoride. 4, if the condenser and the evaporator of air conditioning may be the case of leakage in the system "=; detect the osmosis water pressure = filling material;" until the bubble after the calm water =; to see whether there is a "must prove that the leakage of fluorine. 5, if the above method can determine whether the possible leakage of fluorine =; "vacuum test = you can use the method of the complete withdrawal of the system;" = "; about a pressure gauge after check the pressure


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