
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3420天)
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  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418












1, refrigeration system plug:

It often occurs at the capillary and dry filters = = because these two places are the narrowest places in the system = = common blockages for three reasons: dirty block, ice jam, and solder plug.

A, a dirty block generally occurs at the entrance of the capillary is due to system =; within the dirt (such as welding slag, rust and scale night) blocked pipeline inspection = tapping; the capillary may be temporarily recovered from the line and the other =; surface condensation, frost and stop when the pressure recovery speed time can make a judgment on the nature and the position of the plug.

B, ice block generally occurs in the outlet of the capillary is due to =; = system contains water; at the outlet of the capillary condensation and vaporization cooling suddenly form small particles of ice jam in the outlet of the capillary can be judged =; at the outlet of the capillary with the torch heating if the effect of normal or better that is ice jam or =; in the air conditioning after shutdown and then boot the machine can refrigeration for a period of time that is = =; ice; ice blockage generally occurs in the newly installed or just repaired the air conditioner.

C, Solder plug is also commonly occurred in the welding seam of the capillary = = phenomenon is almost the same as the dirty ice jam = = occurs on the new machine.

2, refrigeration system leakage:

Carrier air conditioning refrigeration system hot refrigerant leakage system such as =; =; air conditioning refrigerant leakage is poor or no refrigeration and air conditioning = leakage; the place is mainly concentrated in two for the welding, welding, capillary suction, exhaust pipe, sodium copper bell crack and connecting pipes etc. = to check when the first; visual = joints; key = check connection pipe; leakage generally oil.

3 and four way valve failure:


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