
  • 发布时间:2017-05-19 10:38:31,加入时间:2014年12月12日(距今3745天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市前海深港合作区前湾一路1号A栋201室
  • 公司:深圳前海众合恒达科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:李 小姐,手机:15106022007 QQ:1787508885

销售油气石油钻采- 深圳前海众合恒达科技有限公司 QQ操作10-70之前

1.将润滑油密封胶管总成连接到电机上。 检查所有螺纹连接以确保

















1.按下控制手柄(6438)将启动泵。 继续直到物质流动



Val-Tex 5-70, 10-70, 40-70

These powerful, portable, air operated lubrication guns have a 70:1 ratio air motor to quickly pump bulk lube sealants and Valve Flush. A special follower plate and spring assures positive priming. All units come equipped with a 15,000 PSI gauge, Gauge Guard, dual swivels, control handle, 10 foot, 3/8 inch I.D. high pressure grease hose and whip end hose with giant buttonhead coupler. The units are fully automated with no manual activation required. NOTE: When pumping Valve Flush, remove the follower plate.

Common FeaturesDelivery: 1/16 ounce per stroke 

PSI Rating: 8,000

Self Priming: Spring loaded follower plate 

CFM Required: 6

Air Pressure Required: 125 to 185 PSI

Typical Pressure Delivered through a 10 foot hose at 150 PSI: 

    Lube Sealant - 8,000 PSI  

    Valve Flush - 8,000 PSI 

Gauge: Included 

Internal Relief Valve: No

"L'il Greaser" - Model 5-70The carrying handle makes this compact, portable gun ideal for tight places, overhead lubrication, and easy transporting around the field. The enclosed sealant canister keeps dirt and foreign material out.For Use With: 5 qt. / 10 lb. can

Dimensions: 25" high X 10" width

Approximate Weight: 50 lbs. / 22.68 kg.

"Easy Lube" - Model 10-70Caddy type cart with large rubber tired wheels assures easy maneuverability. The enclosed sealant canister keeps dirt and foreign material out.For Use With:5 qt. / 10 lb. can

Dimensions: 43" high X 18" wide X 28" long 

Approximate Weight: 76 lbs. / 34.47 kg.

"Easy Lube" - Model 40-70A practical gun for servicing a large number of valves. The reversible pail adapter provides uninterrupted flow. The swing type dolly mounted on rubber tired wheels keeps the container upright at all times. The enclosed sealant canister keeps dirt and foreign material out. Heavy duty latches keep the lid secure.For Use With: 5 gal. / 40 lb. pail

Dimensions: 37" high X 19" wide X 24" long 

Approximate Weight: 78 lbs. / 35.38 kg.

VAL-TEX润滑脂2000-S-10VAL-TEX润滑脂2000-S-P    VAL-TEX密封脂80-H-J  VAL-TEX清洗液 VF-CTNVAL-TEX 密封脂80-H-J  VAL-TEX 密封脂80-FTFE-J  VAL-TEX 密封脂80+FTFE-J  VAL-TEX 密封脂2000-S-10VAL-TEX 密封脂2000-S-P VAL-TEX 密封脂80-H-K Val-Tex 10-S Val-Tex 19-S Val-Tex 2000 Val-Tex 202-S Val-Tex 302 & 302-S Val-Tex 40 & 40-S Val-Tex 450-S Val-Tex 60 & 60-S Val-Tex 65 & 65-S Val-Tex 700 and 700-S Val-Tex 700+FTFE & 700+FTFE-S Val-Tex 75 & 75-S Valtex 750 & 750-S Val-Tex 80 & 80-S Val-Tex 80+FTFE & 80+FTFE-S Val-Tex 80-HM & 80-HM-S Val-Tex 80-H Val-Tex 85 & 85-S Val-Tex 972 & 972-S HF101 Hydraulic Fluid Val-Tex PL-1000 UCON-500 Hydraulic Fluid Val-Tex "VALVE FLUSH"


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