
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418



Cleaning of septic tanks, pumping truck

The company is equipped with 3-5 tons of pumping truck cleaning of septic tanks. ";. Professional cleaning oil separation tank, a sewage treatment pool, sedimentation tanks, industrial site mud deposition of artificial cleaning of septic tanks, manure removal mainly refers to the septic tank and toilet (especially the municipal pipe network of the old town, the small alley toilet stool) removal vehicles through special pumping to feces, feces disposal station, centralized the process of harmless treatment work ";. Over the years, the company bear feces, eight districts of the city and around area of septic tanks, oil separator, water wells, cleaning pump, artificial digging septic tank, oil separation tank, sewage wells (kiyoi bottom) sewage removal work ";. The practice of rich and innovative technology to gradually formed a team with professional and standardized transport power removal team ";. They always adhere to a thoughtful, enthusiastic attitude to provide the best service to the community


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