义乌市白铁皮通风管道 安装制作 食堂排油烟罩加工

  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 05:34:57,加入时间:2015年10月30日(距今3419天)
  • 地址:中国»浙江»义乌:浙江义乌金华东阳等地区均可以上门服务
  • 公司:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:刘永祥,手机:13216247233 微信:qq261732418 QQ:261732418

义乌市白铁皮通风管道 安装制作 食堂排油烟罩加工


經營範圍:設計‘;;;加工‘;;;安裝大‘;;;中‘;;;小通風工程。通風管道‘;;;空調管道‘;;;焊煙除塵‘;;;消音除塵‘;;;管道保溫‘;;;油煙淨化‘;;;環保工程。生産加工通風管道、風機箱、通風钣金件等産品‘;;;代理銷售品牌通風機、通風初中高效過濾器、風機盤管、風閥、風口、橡塑保溫等通風系列産品。承接通風設計、中央空調通風工程、廠房車間通風系統設計、除塵淨系統、廚房排煙系統。設計簡單、美觀、加工快捷、上門安裝Professional production of smoke pipe ";;; ventilation ducts;; air conditioning;" pipeline ";; fire;; exhaust pipes; ';'; processor;; fume purifying oil fume extraction system and various special-shaped parts etc.. Undertake processing ";;;;;;" diner pail ";;;;; tin; tin box" disc. Undertake white metal processing, wind pipe installation project. Products are Baitie ventilation pipes, pipelines, oil fume hood, stainless steel suction hood, fume purification, environmental protection PP the central air-conditioning pipe, pipeline, underground chamber of large exhaust pipe etc.. Widely used in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, factories, K shop, shopping malls, underground rooms and other places ";;; adhering to the" quality first "customer first";;;;;; the principle of service first ";; continuous improvement; customer satisfaction;;;" provided ventilation equipment "for better performance for the customer;;; you are welcome to call!

Scope of business: design;;; processing ";;;"; ". Ventilation pipe;; air conditioning; "pipeline";;; welding;;; smoke dust 'silencing';;; dust;; pipe insulation; "fume purification";; environmental engineering. The production and processing of the ventilation pipe, ventilation fan cabinet, sheet metal products;;; brand sales agents' fan, ventilation junior high efficiency filter, fan coil, air valve, air inlet, rubber insulation and ventilation products. Undertake ventilation design, central air conditioning ventilation engineering, workshop ventilation system design, dust removal system, kitchen exhaust system. Simple design, beautiful, fast processing, on-site installation


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