rolling ring drives

  • 发布时间:2022-02-25 10:31:48,加入时间:2015年05月05日(距今3352天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»嘉定:上海市嘉定区墨玉路362弄131号
  • 公司:昆山启庞机电设备有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:陈燕,手机:18916583892 微信:wxid_ggdf3ud2q46p22 电话:021-39948528 QQ:1589485707


are non positive drives which convert the constant rotation of a plain round shaft into reciprocating motion.they operate like nuts on a threaded bar ,however the pitch both left-hand is capable of fine adjustment or can be set at zero(滚圈驱动器是不积极的驱动器,不断旋转的能量转换纯轴向往复运动。他们操作螺母螺纹杆,然而在球场左边能够微调或可以设置为零)

this effect is achieved by using ball bearing based rolling rings which are designed to pivot about the shaft,their specially crowned running surfaces being pressed against the shaft as it rotates.( 这种效应是通过使用基于滚珠轴承的滚动环的设计主轴,他们专门加冕运行表面被压在轴旋转。)



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