全年无休,24小时服务。时刻提供优质的空调维修 ;;;空调移机;;;空调加氟;;;空调清洗;;;空调安装等服务
修兼收购;;;出售: 空调(拆装;;;清洗;;;加雪种;;;保养;;;加氟)洗衣机;;;冰箱;;;冰柜;;;中央空调
维修品牌:格兰仕 华宝 志高 东宝 澳柯玛 索华 双鹿 威力 蓝波 奥克斯 华凌 海信 小天鹅 LG空调 三星 日立 春兰 海尔 格力 美的 三菱 长虹 科龙 新科。
All year round, 24 hours service. Time to provide quality air-conditioning maintenance;;; air conditioning;; air conditioning; fluoride; air conditioning;; cleaning;; air conditioning installation and other services;
Repair and sale:; acquisition;; air conditioning (assembly;;; cleaning;;; snow;;; maintenance;;; fluoride) washing machine;;; refrigerator;;; freezer;; central air conditioning;
Service brand: Galanz AUCMA Dongbao suohua Warburg CHIGO power blue AUX Hualing Hisense Shuanglu Little Swan LG Samsung Hitachi Haier GREE air conditioner Chunlan MITSUBISHI Midea Changhong Kelon shinco.
Aurora appliance repair center to undertake;;; social organization;;; company;;; plant;;; school;;; restaurants;;; hotel;;; central air-conditioning maintenance, hospitals and other institutions;;; disassemble;;; maintenance;; maintenance; cleaning and other various electrical appliances;;; years. Business.