义乌疏通马桶 下水道哪家好
我公司專業從事:疏通管道,疏通馬桶,疏通陰溝;;陰井,疏通菜池;;地漏;;廁所以及洗面盆。抽運泥漿,抽運化糞池,抽運汙水井,清掏化糞池,清掏隔油池,清理汙水井,清理沈澱池,高壓清洗汙水管道;;市政管道,及下水道清洗。化糞池清理,廁所疏通,廚房疏通 馬桶疏通,陰井疏通等各種堵塞問題,工作人員有著先進的疏通設備與技術。
Our company specializes in: dredge pipe, dredge closestool, dredge sewer manhole, dredge;; dish pool;; floor drain;; toilet and wash basin. Mud pump, pumping septic tank, pumping sewage well, Qingtao septic tanks Qingtao oil separation tank, clean water wells, cleaning tank, sewage pipe high pressure cleaning;; municipal pipelines, and sewer cleaning. Septic tank cleaning, dredge toilet, kitchen toilet dredge, dredge various Yin wells plug, the staff have to dredge the advanced equipment and technology.
Service items are:
1;; mechanical dredge; all kinds of kitchen, toilet, sewer, bath, wash basin, clean the ditch, manhole culvert, water drainage.
2; professional; pumping manure; sewage pumping, pumping mud pumping, septic tanks, sewage pumping wells, septic tank cleaning, cleaning oil pool, cleaning up the sewage wells, cleaning sedimentation tank, cleaning septic tanks.
3;; reconstruction; toilets, septic tank, oil tank, sewage pipe, defecation tube.
4; change; repair; tap water pipe, water pipe, hot water pipe, hose and pipe and blowdown culvert.