达极Taprogge胶球 26-P150-3

  • 发布时间:2016-11-09 15:36:10,加入时间:2015年03月04日(距今3489天)
  • 地址:中国»福建»泉州:福建省泉州市清濛经济开发区吉泰路577号
  • 公司:泉州市双环能源科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王伟书,手机:15359635787 微信:wwscdd 电话:0595-36617083 QQ:2851519549






Ball type (sponge rubber ball)

Code Type

G plastic granulate ball

L long life ball

P polishing ball (standard ball)

R ring-coated corundum ball

S sponge ball

T totally coated corundum ball

Hardness degree (elasticity)

Code hardness degree special hint

1 soft

2 soft/normal special balls

3 normal

4 normal/hard special balls

5 hard

6 extra hard special balls

Rubber recipe (Colour)

Code color

11 green

13 orange

15 brown

16 dark blue

20 blue

22 red

30 light brown

Ball Ø field of tolerance (in mm)

Code tolerance (in mm) special note

0 -0/+1,0 (standard)

1 -0/+0,5 special balls

2 +0,5/+1,0 special balls

TAPROGGE Cleaning Balls for all Types of Cooling Water with Temperatures of up to 80°C

Standard cleaning ball with addition of polishing agent

Application Frequency Special Features



with tubes of stainless steel, titanium, brass, copper (especially with cooling surfaces which tend to develop rough surfaces

with stainless steel and titanium tubes: 12 balls/hour and tube


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