
  • 发布时间:2011-07-29 00:00:00,加入时间:2011年05月01日(距今5080天)
  • 地址:中国»河北»廊坊:河北廊坊大城县
  • 公司:廊坊硕达保温建材有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨经理,手机:13292672068 电话:0316-5962062 QQ:1030849579

岩棉是以天然岩石如玄武岩、辉绿岩、白云石、铝矾土等为主要原料,配以多种无机助剂,经高温融化,在原材料熔融状态下,由高速离心设备离心成绵,由于采用了中心喷胶法,于是充分保证了胶的均匀分布,使棉与胶实现了完美结合。我们采用的是特制的环保矿物粘接剂,把岩棉纤维粘在一起成为喷胶棉。喷胶棉经摆锤摆动折叠布棉,棉层厚薄均匀且实现了多层垂直交叠的结构,后经差速压辊打褶使纤维折叠交叉乱向交错压在一起,从而使祁源岩棉不出现小生产线制品棉质分层的现象。打褶后的棉直接进入固化炉,经高温压缩成型,后又经切断工序切断或裁边,然后进入自动包装线,包装入库。全部工艺过程自动化流水作业,无需人工干预。Grade A waterproof rock wool board manufacturer is rock wool is the natural rock as basalt, fai green rock, dolomite, bauxite, etc as main raw materials, match with multiple inorganic fertilizer, by high temperature melting molten state in raw materials, by high-speed centrifuge equipment, centrifugal into cotton, because used center spray adhesive method, so fully guarantee the glue uniformly distributed, make cotton and glue realized perfect union. We adopt a specially made environmental protection mineral adhesive, the rock cotton fiber stick together become penjiaomian. Penjiaomian the pendulum swinging folded cloth cotton, cotton layer thickness even and realize the multilayer vertical overlapping structure after differential pressure roller plait make fiber folding cross disorderly to crisscross pressed together, so that QiYuanYan cotton don't appear small production line products cotton layered phenomenon. Plait of cotton directly into after curing furnace, by high temperature compression molding process and then cut or by cutting CaiBian, then enter into automatic packaging line, packing into the Treasury. All process automation flow operation and without human intervention.


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